Sunday, 20 July 2014

Investigative Destruction

Delicate Distruction 

As is often the case, I found this idea somewhere and cannot take the credit for it! 

In light of us moving we have had to go through, not only all our things in the loft but also all my parents things (we are moving in with my parents - that could be a whole different blogging sensation!!) and in doing so have identified a number (take that to be at least a full estate car full!) of old electrical items so it was an ideal opportunity to do this activity! 

Having selected 2 pieces - and old CD player and a broken DVD player, I laid them on the table with a selection of screw drivers and I let the boys in....

They were so excited at the prospect of being allowed to destroy things and set to work straight away. They did need a little help taking the cover off, but their faces when they saw what was inside were amazing, I haven't captured it well - they we literally speechless at the circuit boards etc:

They both then just slowly unscrewed things, Thomas in a very methodical way, Olly not so! 

After about 20 minutes, Olly was bored of trying to be delicate in the destruction process and just wanted a hammer! Thomas on the other hand just kept unscrewing for about an hour:


It was fun seeing how the CD got spun around and pulled in and out.

He got down to the tiniest screws and springs:

Olly had his wish and was eventually given a hammer:

Job done!!

This is definitely something I will let them do again before I next throw something away.

We have now moved and I have already found a few items that we will be unscrewing today including a laptop and phone...

Thank you so much for reading, please leave a comment....

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