Monday 22 September 2014

Rain Clouds

More Science..

Yet another request for science, but this time I found a new idea - home made rain clouds.

You fill a glass of water three quarters full and then top it up with saving foam:

Then you carefully squirt blue water into the cloud. Things do not always go to plan and I think Olly squirted too much in too quickly!

This of course then turned into the usual exercise of squirting and mixing!! I am not complaining of course as it is all good fun really and very easy to clean up as just soap and water:

I then decided to have a go myself and basically once the "cloud" is full if you have added the"rain" very carefully, the "rain" starts to fall out the bottom:

It was quite cool.....

I do have to regularly remind myself that I am doing these things for the children not for me ;)

Thanks as always for getting to the end!