Thursday 12 September 2013

The End of the Bucket List

School is Back

The boys have been back at school for a week now and I honestly thought I would have more time now they are back. The absolute opposite is true! The fact that I have more free time literally means I have less free time as that free time is booked up in a matter of minutes! Its taken me a week to find time to write this which is the last blog for the Bucket List.

Build a Fort

We only had a few ticks left, the first one we did was to build a fort. This was an item on the list that I had been putting off. Its silly really as its a clean activity, and relatively easy and hassle free, however I hate having cushions everywhere - its ridiculous I know, so quick to tidy up and something the children LOVE! So I gave in and we built a fort, in the living room no less! We even had a picnic tea in there in front of the TV - serious parent points awarded!

I cannot tell you how much the boys love doing this - They think its naughty to throw the cushions everywhere so its even more fun!

 The finished fort - it was very comfy - I even had a little snooze! How happy are those boys?

Ice Sculptures

The last thing that we ticked off the list was making ice sculptures. This needs a bit of preparation as you need to make a bock of ice first! We did this a few weeks ago using a balloon

 This is a bit more fun if you colour the water before freezing, but I forgot this time! We then put the frozen balloon in the bath and the boys get in.

We fill squirty bottles with hot water and the start melting the ice. Their favourite thing it to make holes in it and hopefully tunnels. It is cool watching the water flow through the holes and tunnels. 

 In the end we had a pretty work or art!

 The boys then get the sculpture to play with in the bath until it has melted (not long!)

They really enjoy this and it is something I will be doing more often - you always need a frozen balloon in the freezer for a rainy day!


Completed List - Yeah!

I have decided the list has now been completed - the only things we didn't tick off were going to the driving range and making an obstacle course, both things we will do anyway.

The End? What's Next?

The boys and I have loved going through this list so it seems sad to stop. Our plan now is to make a list and put all activities in a box so that on days when we have no after school plans we can pull an activity out from the box.

I have enjoyed writing this blog (for my benefit!) so have decided that I will continue to blog about the activities we do.

Thank you so much for reading, you are welcome to continue to join us on our activity journey!

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