Wednesday 16 October 2013

Fizzing Dinosaur Eggs

Life seems to be a bit hectic of late, but seems to be settling down enough for me to now catch up on some things we have been up to, one of which was fizzing dinosaur eggs.

As I have mentioned before the boys LOVE anything that fizzes, so when I saw these I knew I was onto a winner.

There are just 4 ingredients and it is not a very messy activity:

Bicarbonate of Soda
Citric Acid
Food Colouring
Olive oil (although next time I think I will use baby oil)

In a bowl you mix a couple of cups of bicarbonate of soda with the food colouring and a couple of spoonfuls of citric acid. 

Then add the oil, a spoonful at a time until you have the right consistency - it needs to be a bit like moon sand - it can be compacted together but also breaks apart and crumbles.  

Olly then sorted out all our dinosaurs in size order (!) so that we could choose the smallest to put into the eggs.

You then build and egg(ish) shape around the dinosaur. And hey presto you have your eggs!

The boys couldn't wait until bath time.  They sink so they lowered then slowly into the bath on a saucepan lid!

It really is fascinating to watch them disintegrate and fizz away leaving the baby dinosaur! 

They do leave the bath a bit oily and the boys had silky soft skin with a slightly olive oil aroma, hence the change to baby oil next time!

Of course you don't to do this in the bath, you could just let them hatch in a bowl of water!

If you have a go at this, I'd love to hear how you get on!

thanks for reading, next post will include duct tape fun!

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