Friday 10 January 2014

Second Half of Advent

A Quick Snap Shot!

I know that everyone has moved on from Christmas (except me who in just discovering Pinterest is frantically "pinning" ideas for next year!) but in the name of completion I feel I need to post a few of the activities we did in the second half of advent! So here you go:

Cloud Dough

This was something I had wanted to try out for a while and it was good fun, although not as fun as I had hoped! You basically mix flour with oil a drop at a time until you get a bread crummy texture that moulds into shapes but also crumbles easily - like moon sand. We also added glitter:

Christmas Play dough 

I really love making play dough, I really do - there are loads of recipes on the Internet, but I use 3 cups of flour, 1.5 cups of salt, 6 tsp cream of tartar, 3 tbsp oil, 3 cups water, some glitter and some food colouring. You put all the ingredients in a saucepan and heat gently whilst string, its so satisfactory when it suddenly comes together then you can kneed it until it looks and feels like play dough.

Cinnamon Stars

This was from The Truth in the Tinsel you basically mix a cup of cinnamon and a cup of apple sauce, we then added some flour until it was a dough like consistency and made stars. We baked them on a low heat for about an hour. They smell really nice and make good tree decorations.

Decorating gingerbread stars 

I don't think this needs much explanation! The boys  love squirting on icing and sticking sprinkles and sweets on them and then they eat them as quickly as possible!

We did so many more activities but none that I seem to have photographed! It was a really busy lead up to Christmas but a great one! We had so much fun with this Adventivity and will definitely be doing the same next year - I have already started looking for ideas!

I hope you all had a lovely time and Happy New Year!

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