Tuesday 1 October 2013

Conkers - things to do with them!

A growing supply

Our conker supply is growing every day now and I really want to do something with them all. The boys favourite thing with them is the collecting. They are not happy with just looking for them in the leaves under the tree, they like to knock them off the tree. The other day we were collecting them and a dad came along and shook the tree - this was like a dream come true for the boys - it was literally raining conkers! Consequently that day produced a few:

I have done some intensive research into what to do with conkers and there really are not many uses. So after trying to think of my own interesting things to do with these beauties (other than putting them in corners to scare away the spiders) I decided to take the bull by the horn and introduce the boys to the real use and teach them conkers!

We got the tools ready:

Robin explained the scoring system - I had no idea how intricate this was - and away we went. I was very nervous giving my boys essentially the license to hit each other with a round stone like object, but actually they were very sensible.

We had a few tangles, but were able to sort though out and then I left them on their own for a while and spied them really getting into it - I love the concentration!

They even had a spectator!

 This was all very good, but not a craft! So we then decided to thread some and make some decorations - 
Conkers are surprisingly soft and easy to put a needle through, but we did start it off with a bottle opener. I think the out come was very pretty - 

Self Indulgence

 Still not completely satisfied, with the arrival of a glue gun and the boys at school, I decided to have a play with these little conkers. This is what I came up with - 

I basically glued them all onto a polystyrene ring, I am really pleased with the outcome. It looks nice with a candle too

We still have loads left, and will no doubt collect more tonight, so I might even let the boys have a go at making one of these too!


I had to just finish with this - its a lovely song and the boys sing it at school in the Autumn term!

CHORUS        Conkers! I’m collecting conkers,
                        I’m trying hard to find the biggest and the best.
                        Conkers! Lots of lovely conkers,
                        I want a conker that is bigger than the rest.

1.       Under the chestnut tree,
          There waits for me,
          A sight so marv’llous to behold.
          Amidst the autumn leaves,
          It gleams at me,
          A conker, beautiful and bold.

I found this you tube clip of it to give you the tune - I guarantee you won't stop humming it! 

Conkers song

This afternoon our activity is to feed the ducks, very easy and no preparation needed!

 Thank you for getting this far again!

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