Wednesday 27 November 2013

Advent + Activities = Adventivity


Is it too early to talk about Christmas? I think not! I started Christmas planning in August!

This year I have decided to make the boys an Advent Calendar with activities - an Adventivity! This is not because they need an advent calendar - they already have 3 that we bring out each year, I know that a very kind Godmother had bought them some amazing ones AND they will be getting chocolate ones from family so that will mean we will have a minimum of 8 advent calendars but what other day is more in need of a countdown?

I have made it very simply, and got my idea from a mix of  a great blog One Dog Woof.  And something I have only just discovered the Truth in the Tinsel (had i found the latter sooner I could have saved myself A LOT of work!)

I have just used some small brown envelopes, butchers twine and mini pegs and I have stamped onto the envelops and used number stickers to make them look Christmassy

Advent is a great time to get the children interested in the true story of Christmas and that was something I was keen to include in my calendar so I am including the Scripture cards from One Dog Woof. And then I have created a list of 24 date specific activities which I will also include in each envelope.

To give you some ideas (although these are date specific to our family!) here is my list of activities (This is still slightly a work in progress and may change!):

Family games by the fire - Christmas music

Stories by candle light

make paper snowflakes and paper chains (decorate playroom)

go and have a hot chocolate and buy a new decoration

Have some homemade snow fun

You are invited to a family film night with secret box

Get the Christmas tree

Make Christmas bakes for church office

Read some Christmas stories snuggled in bed with candles

make Christmas play dough

Make Christmas tree decorations

Make snow globes

Watch a Christmas film together with a pillow bed

Have family fun on the wii

Make Christmas cookies to take to church

dress up in Pjs and drive round to see the lights

make some cloud dough

marshmallow dipped in chocolate reindeer's

Christmas craft from the book

Make Christmas Chocolates and reindeer food

Make Christmas video messages for family

Play with foam dough and make ornaments

Decorate Gingerbread men

Visit Father Christmas

I am also going to follow the Truth in Tinsel as best I can so we might be very busy! Hopefully this will mean lots of great activities to put on here!

I'd love to hear how everyone else is counting down to Christmas.

Thank you for still reading!

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