Tuesday 18 March 2014

Lent Activities

Well, it seems an age since I have posted on here, but is actually only 4 weeks! We have been doing less crafty activities recently for one reason or another, manly recently due to the lack of rain and the boys being outside!

Having said that we are a couple of weeks into Lent and we have been following a series together from the maker of The Truth in the Tinsel that we followed during Advent.  The series is called A Sense of the Resurrection and is brilliant. There are only 12 activities and so we are doing 2 a week and pondering over what we have been doing. One of my favourite so far was washing each others feet - we all had a go!

I can take no credit for the activities but I thought I would share the most recent one that we have done as it was fun and tasty!

Resurrection Buns

Todays activity was about the last super and Jesus breaking the bread. I have seen these floating around the web for a couple of years then this weeks activity came up and it was about bread and tasting the bread so I though I would take the bull by the horns (As it were!) and go for it.

They are actually very easy and a nice way to tell the Easter story.

You need:

a tin of croissant dough
melted butter

The relevance of the ingredients is as follows:

The dough - This is the tomb where Jesus' body was put
Marshmallows - Jesus' dead body
cinnamon, sugar and butter - the spices and oil that they embalmed him in

Firstly lay out the croissant triangles. You then dip the marshmallows in the melted butter and roll them in a mix of sugar and cinnamon. 

You then wrap them in the dough and make sure it is all sealed.  We then painted the buns with butter and sprinkled sugar on the.

You then bake them in the oven - for about 15 mins until golden.

Once they have cooled, cut them open and.......

They are empty! Jesus is no longer in the tomb - it is empty because He has Risen!

The boys didn't like the cinnamon in them - I loved it!

As always thanks for getting to the end!

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