Monday 19 August 2013

Quite Few Days

Quiet Weekend - yeah right!

Well, this weekend was going to be a quiet one and actually has been relatively, whilst at the same time being able to tick off quite a few from the list!

There was great excitement Friday morning as we found a frog in the paddling pool - not sure who was more excited the boys or the dog!

After I had taken the boys to see Monsters University on Friday afternoon,  we got stuck in the most almighty traffic jam causing my 20 minute journey to turn into just over 2 hours, 45 minutes of which were taken up by an off the wall tantrum from Olly who then proceeded to sleep for an hour.

That evening we had planned a family games night which was good fun even if we were all exhausted from our monster journey home, although we do need to work on the ability to lose gracefully - Thomas won (Robin lost)!

The boys then all trooped outside armed with a midnight feast to camp in the garden. I could still hear them all chatting pretty late but found it quite cute that the 3 of them were having fun!

Saturday was our 11th wedding anniversary and we had planned on a quiet family day. This didn't really happen with the tiredness levels due to camping!

We started the day with some one to one special time with the boys which we alternate at weekends. Olly and I tie-dyed some t-shirts whilst Robin and Thomas played football.

 We then all went bowling - this was also a chance to work on our losing - Olly thrashed us all and Thomas and I were pretty gracious losers!

After bowling Robin took the boys swimming which they had been badgering him to do ALL day! I was looking forward to a relaxing hour, but this didn't happen as the dog decided it was his turn for attention!

Sunday was a pretty relaxing day - the most excitement we had was emptying the paddling pool, which I almost think the boys enjoy more than playing in it! It creates a massive flood, which this time was used as a shower.

We are slowing introducing the boys to Robin's extensive collection of 80s films, so in the afternoon we all watched Brewster's Millions with some popcorn.  The day was marred slightly by the behaviour of #2 who just seemed to have got out of bed the wrong side!

Monday was my last day alone with the boys for a week as we are going on "Staycation"!

We ticked NOTHING off the list today! We did go to Reading for lunch with Robin which was a disaster due to Thomas's behaviour at the table.

Olly and I felt something had to happen this evening so whilst we were waiting for tea to cook we made a butterfly feeder - I am not convinced the wasps won't like it just as much but we will wait and see. Of course we hung it up just as all the butterflies had gone to sleep.

I am off on "staycation" now for a week which we have decided includes no Internet or television, so the next blog will be a long one!

If you really have got this far, even if just by scrolling down, thank you!

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