Monday 12 August 2013

The Summer Begins

Summer Bucket List

I have not done anything like a blog since I wrote a diary every day for 10 years - last day was written 10 years ago!

I can't see why anyone would want to read what I write, so I am going to write it for my benefit!

As the 6 week summer holidays approached I was dreading the time with no routine or time out for me so I had to come up with something. I like to be organised and I like to have things to do. The boys bicker continually if we don't have plans. So after much Internet searching and blog reading I decided a bucket list was on the cards. We all sat down together to compile this list with tick boxes and a goal to tick them all off. It means that we always have some idea of what we can do.

This blog is going to act as a diary of how we ticked off the items from our list. We have already ticked a few things off so the first entry will be a long one!

The first week of the holidays was a quiet one for us so we managed to tick off a few:

We went fruit picking and made our own jam - Strawspberry! It was delicious 

 Junk Modelling - this needed very little intervention from me which was nice!
 We made a catapult which used bamboo canes and elastic bands and was brilliant fun. I got this idea from somewhere on the Internet but cannot remember where.

 Nerf Target shooting - this was fun and very cleverly (!) the holes were too small so the boys played for a long time trying to get the bullets in (not at all easy if indeed possible at all!)

 We have captured a caterpillar (its a Gray Dagger moth) and have made a lovely home for it. Now we just need to wait for it to become a moth! a new post to follow - hopefully.

 Balloon boat races in the bath - this sounded so much fun but actually in reality was not as good as it should have been!

 Fruit pizza - this was really fun to make and I thought it tasted delicious, however boys did not! It was puff pastry with a layer of caramel then fruit and then maple syrup for "cheese"!

These are yummy chocolate and melted marshmallow biscuit sandwiches which were made for our family film night.

We are currently in the middle of trying to grow our own pineapple plant - if it works I might devote a whole post to it!

We have had a lot of fun doing other things like going to the beach, going to the cinema, playing in the paddling pool, bike rides, den building, golf lessons, spending lots of time with friends, playing in the woods and much much more. AND we are only half way through the holidays, I think I will need a holiday come September!

If you have actually got this far, then thank you for reading!

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