Monday 30 September 2013

Bath Paints

Over the last couple of months I do seem to have got a bit hooked on reading blogs and consequently have come across a lot of ideas. One that I have been wanting to try for a while is home made paints. On the great Internet you can find methods to make all forms of homemade paints, but the one I chose to try out this time was bath paints! The bathroom is such a great place for getting messy as it is really self cleaning - well it is in my house as the boys seem to think the idea of a bath is to redistribute the water everywhere else other than the bath!

This is so simple its seems silly writing it, but here you go - 

1) You mix shaving foam and food colouring to get your paints - 

I was very limited by my supply of food colouring!

2) You paint -

 The flower is mine!

Inevitably this turned into a body painting session, which the boys loved!


So easy to clean up - just shower off, this was just as much fun for the boys as painting it on in there first place I think.

My next blog will be more about conkers!

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