Friday 20 September 2013


Autumn is Here

I love Autumn, I can't decided between Spring and Autumn, but they are both my favourite months. I love Autumn because its the start of all things new and I love the changing of colours and the crisp mornings and crunchy walks.  As a family one of our favourites things about Autumn is CONKERS!

The boys obsession with conkers began when Robin used to bring them some home every day after work - not getting conkers used to be a consequence for bad behaviour!

They don't do anything with their conkers, just collect them and put them in a big pot. Collecting them is the best bit!

After school today we decided to go and fill up out pockets.

We actually found that we still had a good week or so to wait before most of the conkers were down, but we were lucky with a few. The boys favourite bit is throwing sticks at the conkers still on the tree to "help" them down! 

They then bash and bash until the shiny conker pops out of its cosy warm bed - prematurely!

We also collected LOTS of acorns and tomorrow we are going to make some acorn toadstools that I found in this great blog Twig and Toadstool

Now I just need to do some research into crafts with conkers!

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