Wednesday 4 September 2013

Last day before School

Save the best till last

We have had a really amazing day together today and I am almost sad that tomorrow I'm sending them back to school. Yesterday I would have had no problem at all!

The week started off with a brilliant day down on the coast with friends, we visited the aquarium where they have otters which was my best bit. The best bit for the boys was the hurricane machine that we had to pay for (!) at the end! Great results though! 

We also had some time on the beach which my boys love - I have to drag them away!

Monday evening I was persuaded to spend the night under canvas with the boys - it did seem like a lovely idea. Needless to say we did not get a lot of sleep and suffered very badly the next day with camping hangover! 

We did have some jobs to do to get ready for school, then we watched a film (I named uniform!), but we did make some slush puppies or snow cones to watch the film with which was very easy, you just whizz up some ice and add syrup, or we added a melted ice pop!

Today was the last day of the holidays and I was determined to be in a good mood and enjoy the time with the boys without worrying too much about ticking things off the list (I can get a bit obsessed with the ticks!). As it happened we ticked off a few things whilst still having a very relaxed day.

We started with washing the car - the boys absolutely insisted on this! This was really good fun and as it was such a lovely day we did all get very wet and had a sponge fight and got soap everywhere (not so much on the car though!)

We then made a tin foil river. We had to try a few methods - first we tried down the slope which was OK, but didn't seem that fun, so then we tried on the flat - not fun! (This brown patch is where our paddling pool killed the grass!)

Then we tried down the steps, this was quite fun, 

However, we all decided that it was best down the slope so we put it back there and the boys had lots of races with leaves and then balls!

We then made baked cotton wool balls. I had been wanting to try this all summer, but now having done it, it was more suited for younger children. Having said that, we still had fun, we mixed flour and water and then coloured it before dipping in cotton wool and baking it. 

The left over mix of flour and water was then turned into slime and the boys got really messy and played for ages with it - this was the best fun!

After the balls were baked we with smashed them with sticks, the boys did like this! Anything that involved sticks and smashing ticks all the boxes in their eyes! Its a bit like smashing egg shells, which is very satisfactory!

After an active morning we decided to spend the afternoon at the beach on Hayling Island and it was lovely, Granny and Baba joined us and me, Thomas and Granny all went for a proper swim which was fun. Thomas and Baba also had fun skimming stones. Olly loved just digging and covering things in stones when he wasn't eating!

This was a brilliant end to a wonderful Summer, only made better by this list!

We do have about 4 things left and are planning on doing them at the weekend, so this blog hasn't finished just yet - just in case you were hoping this was it!

1 comment:

  1. Cringe at the slime bit - glad I wasnt there for that!
